Jams Spreads & Honey
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Showing 1–28 of 42 results
Ambrosia Raw honey 1kg
$30.20 -
Ambrosia Raw honey 500g
$16.40 -
Berringa Raw Honey 1kg
$24.95 -
Berringa Raw Honey 500g
$16.50 -
Ceres ABC Butter 220g
$16.00 -
Ceres ABC Spread 300g
$16.20 -
Ceres Almond Butter Smooth 220
$18.21 -
Ceres Cacao Almond 300g
$17.95 -
Ceres Caramel Peanut But. 220g
$9.65 -
Ceres Cashew Butter 200g
$14.50 -
Ceres Cashew Butter 330g
$14.95 -
Ceres Cashew Butter Smooth 220
$13.95 -
Ceres Cashew Coco Butter 280g
$12.95 -
Ceres Cashew Coconut Butte220g
$11.75 -
Ceres Energy Spread 290g
$14.95 -
Ceres Garlic Aioli 235g
$6.95 -
Ceres Hulled Tahini 300g
$9.60 -
Ceres Peanut Butt Crunchy 700g
$14.95 -
Ceres Peanut Butte Smooth 700g
$14.95 -
Ceres Peanut Butter Crunch 300
$6.95 -
Ceres Peanut Butter Smooth 300
$6.95 -
Ceres Pumkin Seed Sprd 290g
$10.95 -
Ceres Pumpkin Seed Butter
$11.85 -
Ceres Sunflower Butter 220g
$10.40 -
Ceres Sunflower Butter 300g
$8.95 -
Ceres Unhulled Tahini 300g
$9.60 -
Stone Age Nicetella 250g
$21.95 -
Stone Age Peanut Butter 250g